The Tale of Kisan
A business ingrained with values of quality and honesty from its inception...
In 1933, two brothers from Lahore, decided to start selling desi ghee. Back then, the trade of ghee was infamous for adulterated, substandard quality.
The young men, ambitious, and ready to make a difference, decided to take on the challenge of providing original, premium quality product to the masses. However they could not decide upon a name for their new venture which would showcase their passion.
They took the matter to Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the great thinker of the subcontinent. The poet of the East, recognized their ambition to do ethical business practices, and named their shop Khalis Ghee Stores. The product was named Kisan.
Nine decades later, Kisan has grown way beyond its vintage shop, diversifying its product range and catering to the global market. The brand of Kisan is synonymous with quality and is trusted by the people.